We are a Josephite school.
We follow the charism of St. Mary MacKillop who is our patron saint.
St. Mary MacKillop followed in the footsteps of St. Joseph, St. John the Baptist and Jesus.
School liturgies are held for special events and Feast Days at school.
We celebrate our feast day on the 8th of August with a whole school mass at church.
We hold liturgies for the following events and Feast Days:
- Holy Week – Stations of the Cross
- Resurrection – Easter
- St. Joseph’s Feast Day
- St. John the Baptist’s Feast Day
- Sacred Heart Feast Day
During Holy Week, each pod also choose to re-enact the Last Supper and the Washing of the Feet. These are events that took place in the last week of Jesus’ life.
This is Saint Mary MacKillop Catholic School.
Let peace dwell here.
Let our rooms be full of contentment.
Let respect for ourselves and one another
Be evident in the ways we speak, act and dress.
May there always be a love for learning
As we all strive for excellence.
May we treat everyone as our friend
So that no distinctions are made.
Let us remember that as many hands
Have built our school,
So many hearts will make our school
A place of love and care.
God, who so loves us dearly,
We thank you for the life of
Saint Mary MacKillop.
She showed us how to love and
Care for each other
And how to trust you when
Everything seemed wrong.
We ask her to pray for us at this time.
May Saint Mary MacKillop
Help us to follow Jesus always.
We ask this through Jesus