Classroom Prayer Our students begin each day with our school value of ‘Expression of Faith’, with class / syndicate prayer. As a class the students are able to express their faith and share their prayer intentions with each other. Students also participate in prayers and grace at times throughout the day.
Learning Strands:
GOD – TE ATUA – I0 MATUA KORE Year 1 God is Creator Year 2 Our Gracious God Year 3 God is Present in the World Year 4 God is Love Year 5 God is Faithful Year 6 Who is God?
JESUS CHRIST – HEHU KARAITI Year 1 Jesus – My Friend Year 2 Jesus Showed his Love in Different Ways Year 3 Jesus Gives himself in the Eucharist Year 4 Jesus Came to Show People How to Live and Lead them to God Year 5 The Life of Jesus Year 6 Jesus – the Fullness of God’s Revelation
THE HOLY SPIRIT – TE WAIRUA TAPU Year 1 God the Holy Spirit Year 2 The Holy Spirit in people’s lives Year 3 The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Year 4 Pentecost Year 5 Titles and Symbols of the Holy Spirit Year 6 Baptism and the Holy Spirit
CHURCH – Community of Disciples -TE WHANAU A TE KARAITI Year 1 Belonging Year 2 Gathering, Celebrating, Living, God’s Presence Year 3 Called to be Like Jesus Year 4 Called to Service Year 5 The Church Celebrates Year 6 The Church as a Pilgrim People
SACRAMENT – HAKARAMETA Year 1 Holiness Year 2 Welcome Year 3 Forgiveness Year 4 Food for Life Year 5 Healing Year 6 Confirmed in the Spirit
COMMUNION OF SAINTS – TE KOTAHITANGA O TE HUNGA TAPU Year 1 Mary Year 2 Saints and Inspiring People Year 3 Life, Death and Christian Hope Year 4 Choices Year 5 Saints and Inspiring People Year 6 Mary
Learning Modules: THE LITURGICAL YEAR– TE TAU ME ONA RITENGA TAPU The Liturgical Seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Easter and important feast days of the Liturgical Calendar.
Student Religious Education Book These books provide an important link between the home and the school. They are sent home regularly and parents are to be encouraged to discuss the learning activities with the children and to write a comment at the end of each strand.
Curriculum Content The expected learning in Religious Education is spread through six Learning Strands and four Learning Modules. The Learning Strands are designed to increase the students’ knowledge and skills in Religious Education and to help them strengthen their Christian attitudes and values.
School Masses Our student’s experience of Liturgy is an important part of their faith development and every effort will be made to ensure that all Liturgies / Masses are memorable for the children. Students are actively involved in these to develop a sense of participation and ownership. We celebrate Mass at St Therese Church regularly throughout the year as a full school and within syndicates.